A number of charities and organisations help our beneficiaries in a wide variety of ways.

A small part of our budget

The RNBT concentrates mainly on giving help direct to individuals who are in need, so grants that we make via other organisations are a small part of our budget. In total, they amount to about £110,000 each year directed at about a dozen organisations.

Grant linked to numbers assisted

Organisations, especially smaller ones, which directly assist our beneficiaries may be selected to receive a Grant. The maximum amount is usually £10k or less, and is paid quarterly on receiving evidence of specific named individuals who have been assisted.

Most of our grants via other organisations are based on the number of individuals helped by the organisation during the year. For example, we support hospices in the Portsmouth and Plymouth areas with a flat rate grant for each of our beneficiaries who are cared for by the hospice, up to a maximum sum.

Annual selection and review process

The organisations to be assisted is approved at the May trustee meeting when the budget for the year is set. However, applications will be considered throughout the year subject to budget availability.

How to apply

For the annual selection, applications should be submitted to the RNBT by 30 December. The case for assistance should be set out in a letter accompanied by the organisation’s Annual Report and Accounts for the previous year and budgets for the current year and forthcoming year (if available). Other applications may be made at any time.